#GDPR4School - School Nativity - Resolve any potential GDPR issues before they take to the stage

Written by Stuart Anderson in #GDPR4School on December 1st, 2018

#GDPR4School - School Nativity - Resolve any potential GDPR issues before they take to the stage

It is almost that time of the year again when your most endearing pupils will take the stage to perform their nativity play. The school will be filled with proud parents, their smart phones, tablets and cameras. They will be taking pictures of their loved ones and their peers, which could then be shared……anywhere..

You may be well on track with costumes, songs and dress rehearsals, but have you thought about pre-empting a discussion on who makes the pictures or records the video before all hell breaks loose?

At GDPR4school we provide dedicated GDPR knowledge towards the education sector. In the instance of “pictures and parents” please see below how the GDPR may affect your event and therefore, pre-empt a privacy discussion:

Where a parent or guardian takes photographs or a video recording of the event FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL USE then the GDPR DOES NOT apply to those images. The parents are attending the event at the invitation of the school and it is a decision for the school if they allow photographs and video to be taken during the event.

This differs where the school, or a contracted photographer, takes photos of the event for the school to process for the purposes of marketing etc. In this scenario the GDPR DOES apply!

When hosting an event where you do allow photographs and video to be taken, we would advise that the school make it clear at the outset that any images taken must only be used for private / domestic purposes and ask that they not be put online or on social media. Parents / Guardians should be reminded that images which may identify other pupils should not be made accessible to others online or published in any other way, otherwise the Data Protection Act may be contravened. We would also advise that the school provide written guidance to parents before the event and possibly make an announcement before the event starts.

We hope that the advise given above helps you with your final preparations for your special event and wish all of you a very happy Christmas!